• A strong structure has been designed in brake assembly and design.
• The sound level in the brakes is <70 Db.
• High braking torque is provided for motors of different sizes.
• Cooled type brakes; It helps to expel the heat generated during braking, thus minimizing lining wear.
• Electromagnetic winding is wrapped on coil mold prepared from heat resistant material and protected with epoxy. (coil insulation class H-180 °).
• All mechanical parts are electrolyzed and protected against corrosion.
• Brake lining discs are made of aluminum injection at low moments and antimagnetic stainless steel at large moments.
• Asbestos-free linings with high friction coefficient are used in brakes.
• Brake coil bodies are manufactured from GGG 42 ductile iron and hysteresis losses are minimized.
• Brakes are designed to be used in all kinds of motors by changing the interconnection flange.
• Brakes can work in any position.
• All mechanical parts are processed on CNC benches.
• All brakes are designed for microswitch, proxyswitch and encoder mounting.
• Brakes are produced as 24 Vdc and 98 Vdc 198 Vdc as standard except special requests.
• Brakes are produced between 5Nm and 1600 Nm torques in DYF model.